The subscription to the newsletter service of the portal takes place free of charge and involves the full acceptance of these conditions by the user. Once registered, the user will receive a confirmation request through the email address provided according to the planned double opt-in procedures.
The service includes the sending of informative e-mails regarding price lists, offers and promotions, events, presentations of new products and services, etc. Our company undertakes, as far as possible, to guarantee the quality and continuity of the service, and to work to improve it over time, however it reserves the right to suspend its delivery at any time, even without notice.
Since the e-mail address is the only reference that the portal uses to contact the user, in case of unattainability, unavailability or non-existence of the e-mail box, DOOR 2000 SRL as a single member reserves the right to revoke the subscription to the Newsletter service.
Even the registered user can, at any time, revoke the subscription to the newsletter service by clicking on the appropriate link contained in the emails received.
Dear Visitor
By registering to the newsletter, you declare that you accept the data processing conditions contained in this information sheet.
Pursuant to Article 13 of the European GDPR Regulation 679/2016, on the protection of individuals and other subjects with respect to the processing of personal data, the processing of information concerning you, will be based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness and transparency and protecting your confidentiality and rights.
In accordance with the above, we therefore provide you with the following information.